By Jasmin G
This page is written summary of instructions that Author gives during her daily- ‘Free Online Forgiveness Sessions’. Motivated by Master Faith Sawey's, in her one of the most astonishing class 'Applied Spiritual Technology' (Manila, Philippines), Author started hosting this online sessions in September 2019, as a part of her service. Author learned this technique from her spiritual Guru, Master Choa Kok Sui of GMCKS Pranic Healing School. These instructions are a part of self-reflection practice guided by Author before practicing ‘Forgiveness Technique’. Every day, she focuses on particular aspect of self/ of life/ of behavior or of relationship, when we have ever hurt either ourselves or others.
Based on her own experiences and many previous researches, she believes regular self-reflection practice helps to be a better person. And therefore, she highly recommends regular practice of this technique.
Greetings of the day!
Welcome to the Day 3 of Self-Forgiveness Workout!
Today we are practicing self-forgiveness for mental criticism we ever did.
Recall the time when you have ever criticized yourselves Mentally …..
Many times, we underestimate our abilities and intelligence. sometimes we already have the picture of our own that I'll never be able to do particular task, without giving a chance to do that particular thing. Most of the times we criticize our ‘SELF’ for not being much good in our studies, not being so smart or not being intelligent. All people are not born smart…. Some are born and some cultivate it with patience and consistent efforts. But rather than focusing on ‘how can I be more smart or intelligent’, we keep underestimating our ‘SELF’ with ‘I am not this’. Maybe we are not good in doing particular thing, but for sure, we all can do something better than anyone…. We all don’t have to be very smart in doing all things.
This mental and intellectual criticism could be because of past experience. For eg. If at any point of time, or at childhood, we were bad or secured less marks in mathematics, then we have fear of doing that thing. This bitter experience is so deeply imbibed in our consciousness, that whenever mathematical calculations will come in our life, even simple daily one, we will be fearful that I am surely gonna make some mistakes. In extremist cases, we try to ignore it…. We run out of those practical aspects in life which includes any mathematical calculations. And keep criticizing ourselves that I can never do it correctly. And so, we look for a person whom we can shoulder such task for always to corner out our self. But once a failure or some repeated experiences of failure doesn’t mean that this particular task is not my cup of tea… with proper guidance and constant efforts, we surely will be able to do it correctly and one day even perfectly.
Sometimes we restrain our self to go for new ideas or new way of doing particular things. This is because we are so much adopted to typical way of thinking and believes that this is the only way to do it. We don’t want to try new because we are frightened for change, we are fearful about that, what will happened if it goes wrong or if I failed… but may be this new way or idea can make the task very simple. We are so rigid to our thoughts that we don’t want to try something new, to be creative and adoptive… this way we are actually pulling our ‘SELF’ back, we are actually hurting our own ‘SELF’……
So, let’s forgive our-selves, for all these mental self-criticism and sufferings, we have ever caused to our ‘SELF’
Practice Self Forgiveness Technique after self-reflection. To maximize the effect of inner healing practice THM- Meditation on Twin Hearts for Peace & Illumination
Nothing is as amazing as the joy of letting go….
Enjoy Live Session
Practice of Forgiveness + THM
Join us every day for group practice
on ZOOM @ 09.30 PM IST
What's App on +91 75885 79928

About Jasmin G
Jasmin is the founder of this Website 'SohamAsmi' and a Multitasking girl having experience in variety of fields. She hosts many sessions, weekly practices, meditations and courses to guide people improving quality of their life. Check out more about her... To receive updated for her post, click here
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