By Jasmine G
This page is written summary of instructions that Author gives during her daily- ‘Free Online Forgiveness Sessions’. Motivated by Master Faith Sawey's, in her one of the most astonishing class 'Applied Spiritual Technology' (Manila, Philippines), Author started hosting this online sessions in September 2019, as a part of her service. Author learned this technique from her spiritual Guru, Master Choa Kok Sui of GMCKS Pranic Healing School. These instructions are a part of self-reflection practice guided by Author before practicing ‘Forgiveness Technique’. Every day, she focuses on particular aspect of self/ of life/ of behavior or of relationship, when we have ever hurt either ourselves or others.
Based on her own experiences and many previous researches, she believes regular self-reflection practice helps to be a better person. And therefore, she highly recommends regular practice of this technique.

Greetings of the day!
Welcome to the Day 1 of Forgiving Parents Work out!
The beauty of Forgiveness Technique given by Master Choa is that, we don’t have to go to the person physically and ask for forgiveness. Because many times even though we accept our mistake, we don’t have enough guts to go to the person and say sorry. Further, we can forgive people who are not among us. Because this beautiful technique is actually an energy work - energy work for inner healing. And is not bounded to any physicality. So, we can also easily forgive and ask forgiveness to those who are no more with us. Specially if the person is your parent. Many times, after our parents passed way, we hold resentment that we didn’t went to them to say ‘sorry’, when they were still there. Sometimes a thought that we didn’t forgave our parents when they were around, bites us from deep inside. But with this beautiful technique, now it is possible to forgive and ask for forgiveness to our parents. Their physical existence or non-existence will no more stop us to release them and our SELF from this guilt.
Forgiving parents is as important as to forgive our SELF, because we - the true SELF is able to experience this wonderful life time, only and only because they were the medium to get this beautiful physical body. Sometimes, we question why only I got these parents? Why only this family and home? Law of karma says, all these are our choice. Our parents didn’t choose us. It is we, who decided to be born into this home, into this family and at these parents. Whatever the relationships we have in this lifetime are our choices to neutralize the karma with that person, and so accordingly we choose the relation with the person. The karmic entanglement with the person decides, what relation we will be gifted with that person, but that too is our choice. We decided our childhood environment. It has nothing to do with our parents. They were simply meant to be in that relation, in that situation. As a parent, no one wants their child to suffer and so, neither our parents. They tried their best to gave us everything that they could… its alright if they didn’t give everything, that we wanted. But again, we can’t blame them. Because after all, it was our choice, based on our karma with them. Let’s erase all the misunderstandings with our parents we ever had, by forgiving them and asking for forgiveness….
Let’s stop blaming and tormenting, let’s forgive our parents, let’s leave them, so that we both can live peacefully.
(Practice Forgiveness Technique after self-reflection. To maximize the effect of inner healing practice THM- Meditation on Twin Hearts for Peace & Illumination given by Master Choa Kok Sui)
Forgiving Your Parents is the Best Gift you can ever give them….
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Practice of Forgiveness + THM
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on ZOOM @ 09.30 PM IST
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About Jasmin G
Jasmin is the founder of this Website 'SohamAsmi' and a Multitasking girl having experience in variety of fields. She hosts many sessions, weekly practices, meditations and courses to guide people improving quality of their life. Check out more about her... To receive updated for her post, click here
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