
What is Wesak Festival?

By Jasmin G


This week we are celebrating Wesak Special Self Purification.

Wesak is often known as the ‘Vaishakh Pournima’ or ‘Full Moon day of Wesak’. In Buddhist, Wesak is centuries old tradition to celebration of Buddha’s birthday. But the resolution to celebration this auspicious day as public holiday in Nepal was passed by his Majesty the Maharaja of Nepal in the World Fellowship of Buddhists, Shri Lanka, 1950. As like any other religions, we celebrate birthdays or any special days, this day is very special celebration in Buddhist Tradition, as well as in the spiritual world.

                Astrologically, on this specific full moon Sun is in Taurus and the Full Moon is in Scorpio. And therefore, this is also known as ‘Taurus Full Moon’ or ‘Buddha Taurus Full Moon’. This is the super powerful full moon in the whole year. All the Spiritual practitioners literally wait for this beautiful celebration because it is the best day, allowing us to receive much needed love, compassion, guidance, and blessings from our Spiritual Masters in the ethical realm.

                This week, we will be focusing on eight-fold path guided by Buddha to purify our inner self.

We will be doing self-reflection based on any one of the lessons in eight fold path every day, followed with Self Forgiveness, Meditation on Twin Hearts, Self-Healing and Blessing the entire Earth for Protection and Inner Healing…. All these, in just 40 minutes.

Live on Zoom at 9.30pm IST

4th May – 10th May, 2020

 So stay tuned with us…..



Registration form link - https://forms.gle/CzFJpYJYFifPcF8x8

About Jasmin G

Jasmin is the founder of this Website 'SohamAsmi' and a Multitasking girl having experience in variety of fields. She hosts many sessions, weekly practices, meditations and courses to guide people improving quality of their life. Check out more about her... To receive updated for her post, click here


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