By Jasmin G
This page is written summary of instructions that Author gives during her daily- ‘Free Online Forgiveness Sessions’. Motivated by Master Faith Sawey's, in her one of the most astonishing class 'Applied Spiritual Technology' (Manila, Philippines), Author started hosting this online sessions in September 2019, as a part of her service. Author learned this technique from her spiritual Guru, Master Choa Kok Sui of GMCKS Pranic Healing School. These instructions are a part of self-reflection practice guided by Author before practicing ‘Forgiveness Technique’. Every day, she focuses on particular aspect of self/ of life/ of behavior or of relationship, when we have ever hurt either ourselves or others.
Based on her own experiences and many previous researches, she believes regular self-reflection practice helps to be a better person. And therefore, she highly recommends regular practice of this technique.
Greetings of the day!
Welcome to the Day 7 of Self-Purification Work out!
‘Right concentration or Meditation’ is the last and foremost important lessons on eight-fold path given by Buddha. People often get confused that for practicing meditation one needs to have deep concentrations ability. In fact, meditation is itself a deep concentration. According to one of the talks by Thich Nhat Hanh , a Vietnamese monk, ‘Practicing meditation is like practicing or learning how to concentrate deeply by teaching your monkey mind to focus on something.’ But this focus should be right one. The superior one. Because as Master Choa said, “What you meditate, you Become”
So if one is meditating on past, he is trying to repeat the past again in future. If we meditate on our mistakes, we are surely going to commit them in near future. if we are meditating on the problems we are facing currently, we are definitely welcoming some more irritating and frustrating problems in near future. if we are meditating on what we don’t have, we are surely going to not get them in future. Then the question is, what we shall meditate on? The answer is in the question only. Start meditating on what you want. What you want to become. What you want be surrounded. This is the key of successful life, according to Rhonda Byrne, the author of best selling book ‘SECRET’. Right mediation or meditating on right thoughts, right emotions, right images etc is the secret to create beautiful tomorrow. but sometimes, due to ignorance, we forget the path of right meditation and creates misery in life.
Let’s forgive, our SELF for this mistake.
(Practice Forgiveness Technique after self-reflection. To maximize the effect of inner healing practice THM- Meditation on Twin Hearts for Peace & Illumination given by Master Choa Kok Sui) - recording given below
Enjoy Live Session
Practice of Forgiveness + THM
Join us every day for group practice
on ZOOM @ 09.30 PM IST
What's App on +91 75885 79928 for details
Before you play audio ..........
Hello all!
Since, we are able to anchor lot of energies during Twin Hearts Meditation Practice, please don’t forget to follow these instructions –
Who shall not practice Twin Hearts Meditation?
· Children between 10-16 years of age can practice the meditation once a week.
· Patients with severe heart ailments, unregulated hypertension and glaucoma shall practice this meditation with open eyes. If they feel uncomfortable, they may skip OM Chanting part or entire practice.
· Heavy smokers (They should have their lungs and back heart and front heart centers cleaned thoroughly before doing the meditation.)
· Pregnant women should avoid excessive practice of Twin Hearts Meditation. Once or twice only is recommended. Skip days when intensive energies and anchored like this Wesak week, full moon days etc.
· The Meditation should not be practiced while driving or doing critical functions
For Self-Reflection and Forgiveness Practice, there are no restrictions
Why group practice?
On the Occasion of this special Wesak Week author will be offering Audio Records of whole session, so that people who can not join her live, can listen and practice with audio. But for amazing experience, she recommend to join in group practice of Purification and Twin Hearts Meditation. As Master Choa, who gave this beautiful technique said, "When 7 people Meditated together, the energy they experience is equivalent to 1 person practicing for 100 times or 100 people practicing individually." So try to join us in group practice.
About Jasmin G
Jasmin is the founder of this Website 'SohamAsmi' and a Multitasking girl having experience in variety of fields. She hosts many sessions, weekly practices, meditations and courses to guide people improving quality of their life. Check out more about her... To receive updated for her post, click here
Write a comment
Sudhir salve. (Wednesday, 01 July 2020 12:23)
Dear jasmine Mam... Self purification practice helps you to create more positive thoughts process towards practical world means what you want to become and what you want to be surrounded by the Positivity that is the ultimate goal to achieve by this purificatiom practice... !
Thanks jasmine mam.
Jasmin (Tuesday, 21 July 2020 03:54)
Thanks for sharing Sudhir