
Potent Power of Sun and Sun Meditation

Updated on 30 June 2020

By Jasmin G


Sun is always been the center point of worshiping in many cultures and communities either in one or another form. Apart from its being the biggest source of natural light, Sun has many therapeutic and spiritual importance. And that could be the reason why our ancestors always put it forth most important to bask in morning sun rays.

                Scientifically, it is now proved that pure bright light from sun stimulate serotonin hormone secretion which is responsible for boosting one’s positive mood. Good serotonin hormone secretion helps a person to feel calm and focused. If serotonin level is dropped out below normal level, then person may feel depressed due to lack of mental and physical energy. This scientific can commonly be experienced by many of us during winter, rainy or cloudy seasons, when we suffer with low mood and lack of energy. In medical terms this is known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). A very general cure for SAD is to use a bright light box for several minutes. And this is the reason why we feel more comfortable and calm we light our rooms during such seasons. Therefore, people with depression with seasonal pattern are advised to go for light therapy, popularly known as ‘Photo-therapy’.             

                        Apart from physical and mental health, Sun has very auspicious place in spirituality. Sun has been religiously worshiped in all ancient civilizations from Greece to Babylon, India, China, Africa Rome, South America, Europe, Mexico and many more. Irrespective to the differences in traditions and rituals styles of worshiping they all have accepted Sun as a center point of Supreme Being or Supreme Energy. And so, there are number of traditional spiritual practices of channelizing and utilizing the Sun rays in physical, mental, social and spiritual harmony for better heath and growth. Sun Meditation is the easiest Practice among these.

Number of people and schools have developed their own protocol for practicing Sun Meditation and so people have number of options to practice this Sun Meditation. What is the best for you can be discovered only by you. Personally, I feel the practice technique which is easy, comfortable and adoptable for you, is the best for you, for that time. As you begin to step up in this amazing practice, you will slowly experience and discover another beautiful technique to practice Sun Meditation. And so, all practices are good at their own.  Its just matter of our understanding and experience!

Below here, I’m sharing a small Audio clip of instruction I gave while hosting Sun Meditation Session During Yoga Practice Challenge we offered under team ‘Breath of Life – Yoga Warriors’. Because of time limit to our schedule, I have tried my best to put it a short. I am sharing two audio clips from these Practice Sessions. Excuse me for back ground sounds.

Please do not forget to share your experience below in the comment box. You may leave your queries also. For such more beautiful audio clips please subscribe to SohamAmi.

  • About these Meditation Tracks

Here below are two tracks for Sun Meditation Practice I instructed during our 21 Minutes 21 Day Yoga Practice Challenge. The first track named 'Sun Meditation' is very smaller version of 6.30 minutes on 21st June, 2020 on occasion of International Yoga Day and second version of around 17 minutes named 'Sun Meditation- 30 June' is a extended version of the same. Though some instruction vary in these two tracks the basic protocol is almost same. Share your experience which one you liked...

About Jasmin G

Jasmin is the founder of this Website 'SohamAsmi' and a Multitasking girl having experience in variety of fields. She hosts many sessions, weekly practices, meditations and courses to guide people improving quality of their life. Check out more about her... To receive updates for her upcoming posts, click here


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Comments: 7
  • #1

    Kishore Mukhopadhyay (Tuesday, 30 June 2020)

    Please inform about free certificate course

  • #2

    Jasmin G (Tuesday, 30 June 2020 22:41)

    Thank you Kishore Mukhopadhyay for showing interest.
    Please drop a mail at info@soham-asmi.org for more details...

  • #3

    Sudhir salve. (Wednesday, 01 July 2020 05:41)

    Dear jasmine Mam.... Overall good experience with the sun meditation while we practicing and I will continue to practise in the future also.... And thanks for that to meditating on the sun meditation ...!
    Thanks once again for all.

  • #4

    Ashwini Bari (Wednesday, 01 July 2020 06:41)

    wonderfull experience Thank U Jasmine madam.

  • #5

    Gaurav Jayant Joshi (Sunday, 05 July 2020 06:29)

    Sounds interesting...I would like to know more about it.

  • #6

    Jasmin (Sunday, 05 July 2020 12:18)

    Thank you Ashwini...

  • #7

    Jasmin (Sunday, 05 July 2020 12:19)

    Happy to know your interest Gaurav....You may go through audios above. We will soon share some new post on Sun Meditation Practice